Dhaka , Bangladesh
Acknowledging the complexity of the stakeholder involvement as well as the topic of social security as such, the main purpose of the component is to guide the consensus building process on the development of the EII Trial in line with agreements being taken at the political level. All stakeholders of a tripartite dialogue process between GoB, employers, and employees should be coached on the means of taking collective decisions to support the development of the Employment Injury Scheme (EIS) trial in Bangladesh. While all the relevant stakeholders will form an essential part of the dialogue process, the focus of the stakeholders coaching would be, to enable the unheard to be heard.
With regards to the multi stakeholder dialogue component of the Shurokkha project, a feasibility study took place digitally from the April 2020 to August 2020 to develop a proposal for a series of interventions that will lead to a dialogue format that is inclusive of relevant stakeholders, wherein everyone feels that their views are heard. The study was based on interviews with the employers, employees and the Government, the tripartite constituents, along with civil society representatives, academia, brands and buyers.
Conducted by : Collective Leadership Institute (CLI)
Date : 04 - 06 June 2023
The project “Shurokkha: Advocacy for an Employment Injury Insurance (EII) in Bangladesh” funded by the Laudes Foundation and implemented by GIZ International Services (InS), successfully organized a residential event on Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) with the tripartite constituents from 04 to 06 June 2023. At this event, representatives from the Government, Employers’ associations and Workers' associations came to a common understanding of strengthening relationships, collaboration norms and values for achieving future sectoral goals through collective leadership approach and collecting feedback on a draft communication brochure about the EIS Pilot for the RMG factories. This brochure used by factory management, will provide relevant information and support to the workers and/or their dependents in processing claims under the Central Fund and the EIS Pilot. The whole event reflected the four Dialogic Practices of Voice, Listen, Respect and Suspend and the different action modes, which are combinedly known as ‘the art of thinking together’ in the working groups. The participants were grouped in four teams and through a visioning exercise, each team exhibited their vision of a healthy and sustainable RMG sector in Bangladesh in 2030.
The workshop aided in creating a first draft of the communication brochure and its contents for information dissemination about the EIS Pilot for the factory management. The Collective Leadership Institute (CLI) along with GIZ vigorously guided the training sessions that guaranteed its efficacy. Concerned representatives from the International Labour Organization (ILO) were also present at the MSD event. The event paved the way for a new kind of collaboration and coordination among all the stakeholders, given that they were mixed in different working groups. A single aim of helping the RMG workers was established in the event.